Cancer wellness center supports Indiana survivors
In the United States, there are over 16.9 million people who have had a diagnosis of cancer and are still living with it or are cancer-free. There are around 300,000 survivors living in Indiana.
The Karuna Precision Wellness Center offers a number of cancer-related services to help support survivors in Indiana who are searching for guidance. Survivors can find additional information on nutrition, wellness, and fitness, along with other things that would not typically be provided by a hospital. The not-for-profit center helps cancer survivors both during and after cancer treatment. Jamie Renbarger, MD, MS, is a physician scientist at IU School of Medicine and leader of the Karuna Precision Wellness Center. She says her patients inspired her to come up with the wellness center, and she wants to see them improve both physically and mentally through the use of these services.

Artist’s rendering of the Karuna Precision Wellness Center
“The Karuna Precision Wellness Center is both a research and clinical services wellness center for individuals dealing with cancer to help them to live as healthy and productive lives as possible, especially to get back to life after cancer treatment,” said Renbarger.
During this stressful time in our country, when we are facing a global health pandemic, please do not let that impede you or your loved one’s progress. Continue to eat healthy, participate in physical activity and engage in activities that bring you peace. Call your health care providers ahead of time to ascertain their safety protocols and keep your appointments. Continue to practice physical distancing of six feet, wear your mask when in public, wash your hands regularly, and incorporate other safety recommendations.
A virtual cancer wellness symposium will be held on September 22, as a collaborative effort through the Karuna Precision Wellness Center, the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute and LifeOmic. Event details are here.
Learn more about the Karuna Precision Wellness Center on the Center’s website.