How has All IN for Health made an impact in Indiana?

2022-10-27T22:30:37-04:00October 27th, 2022|Categories: |

All IN for Health is currently made up of research volunteers from all 92 counties of the state. This network helps make important health research possible. Without the public’s involvement, research cannot happen. One example of our impact was when members of the All IN for Health research volunteer network came together to [...]

What is the goal of the All IN for Health program?

2022-10-27T22:30:46-04:00October 27th, 2022|Categories: |

All IN for Health’s goal is to engage the public to help researchers increase the value of their research. Specific ways this can happen include sharing ongoing research in specific communities with those community residents, hearing research related questions and concerns from the public that All IN for Health can address, sharing what researchers [...]

What is All IN for Health?

2024-07-01T07:53:47-04:00October 27th, 2022|Categories: |

All IN for Health is a program which provides a way to for the public to learn about and get involved in health research in Indiana. All IN for Health hopes to hear from you and learn from you! It is also a resource for reliable health information. The program is made possible by the [...]

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